Laugh your way through the day with GenXCarolinaMom

Laugh along with me (or at me) as I try to navigate the craziness of a middle-class inflated America with lots of fumbles and a little bit of wisdom. Read on for my refreshingly honest take on life as a southern woman and Gen-X mama

Seeing a sunrise

driving to school

Me: Look at that gorgeous sky God painted us.

HS: Did he do it by hisself?

Me: He is God, so I bet so.

HS: Nah, I bet he got Bob Ross to help.

HS @ 7 years-old

About Me

I started this blog to offer my view on current events and everyday life from a Gen-X mama with a side of Southern humor (aka sarcasm). I live in the Carolinas with my husband, 4 kids and our dog. I love hiking, doing puzzles and watching re-runs of my favorite TV shows. Want to chat, comment, ask questions about the blog... or any good 80s TV show? Email me:

Mountain background with side of hikers face
Mountain background with side of hikers face